Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sometimes people become who they are because of what happened to them. Honestly, I don't really think getting your heart broken is a good enough reason for anyone to treat other people like crap. You feel like shit so you try to mend what was broken by making other people feel the way you do? Isn't that just selfish? Or a little hypocritical? I don't know. I'm speechless. I never knew anyone could be that angry. Or self absorbed.

Some people get cheated on countless of times for years. Some people are dying because they don't have a choice. Some people have to watch their kids suffer and can't do shit about it. So what makes you think that the burden you are carrying is heavier than others? Come on man, get yourself together. Why make yourself look weak when you could be doing the total opposite? Toughen up, its a phase that you will get through.

Good god, I don't even know why am I typing this at 6.37 am. Geez, I should be asleep right now. Goodnight.

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