Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Little Things

A friend asked me today "Why are you constantly getting lucky these days?" after one of my favourite youtube artist  (Joey Diamond) replied my tweet and followed me on Twitter. To be honest, I sometimes wonder about that too. I wonder why am I so grateful of life these days, why am I always happy but then it kind of hit me that maybe life's just normal right now but I'm actually appreciating every second that goes by instead of taking it for granted. Like right now for instance, here I am, sitting alone in Starbucks at my college campus and enjoying my own company. I have my laptop, a book, my phone, my earphones, what more could I possibly need? Plus, the weather is good. That's something definitely worth mentioning, no? I mean instead of complaining about everything you don't have all the damn time, why don't you just live it? 

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